Saturday, September 4, 2010

It's been a long time since I wrote my last post... So here I post some Pop-Up Script.

In this First Script I'll give some example that You can use it in Your Blog...

Pop-up Script To Open A Window When Your Page Loads 

 Just put the following script between Your <HEAD> and </HEAD> tag

<script language="javascript">

<!-- begin

function popup(Site)




// end -->


Then add the following code into your <BODY> tag:


Your<BODY> tag should then look something like this:

<BODY bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000"


Note: In this and all script examples that follow, change the attributes "toolbar", "statusbar", etc., to on (1) or off (0) as you prefer (or omit them), and set the width and height to the size you require.

That's all.. Happy Pop-Up...

Disclaimer:We does not host any of the templates available on this blog. This blog merely indexes other sites contents.